• Exam-Style Format

    Access over 120 multiple choice questions to practice before writing Transport Canada's online exam.

  • Question Feedback

    Each question contains the answer and the relevant reference material.

  • Customer Service

    Stuck on a topic? Student support is available via live chat or email during the practice exam.

Course curriculum

    1. Quick Introductory Note

    2. Advanced - New Drone Regulations

    1. Definitions, Who's Who and Application

    2. Aerodromes and Airports

    3. General Operating and Flight Rules - Airpsace

    4. Operating and Flight Rules and Radiocommunications

    5. New Drone Regulations (in plain english)

    1. Law

    2. RPAS Airframes and Systems

    3. Human Factors

    4. Meteorology

    5. Navigation

    6. Flight Operations

    7. Theory of Flight

    8. Radiotelephony

    1. Practice Exam Prep

    2. Practice Exam

    1. What's Next?

    2. Exam Resources

    1. The In-Person Test

About this course

  • 20 lessons


  • Is this course TP 15263 complaint?

    This is not a ground school course (though we have that too!) so it doesn't meet all the requirements of the knowledge requirement guide (like being 20 hrs long!) to be compliant. The intent is to familiarize you with the format and style of Transport Canada exam questions and refresh your knowledge on TP 15263 concepts in case it's been a little while since ground school.

  • If I take this course, do I need ground school?

    If you've taken ground school before, probably not. If you haven't, you'll probably want to. Check out our bundle below! Even if you manage to pass the TC exam with this course and google, you'll likely struggle with the Flight Review if you don't have ground school knowledge.